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What measures have you taken to reduce the spread of Covid-19?


  • We have removed clothes racks / furnishings to create more space.

  • We have limited the number of customers who may stay in the premises at the same time according to directives.

  • We close the door if it is full. If the door is closed, it is an in one out that applies.

  • No large parties. One and one that applies at admission.

  • Inside the store, we ask customers to keep their distance from other customers and to employees in the stores.

  • Markings on the floor in line for checkout and fitting rooms.

  • Only one person at a time in our rehearsal rooms.

  • We have taken extra cleaning routines, for example, we spray our door handles, cash registers & card machines regularly during the day.

  • We have set up plexiglass in all our checkouts.

  • All employees in our stores are healthy, no one is allowed to work who has the slightest symptoms of illness.

  • All our employees follow directives & are careful about their hygiene.

  • For our customers, we have extended the right of exchange from 7 to 30 days so that no customers with symptoms will have to come to the stores to return goods and extended the open purchase from 3 days to 7 days.

  • In all stores, we offer customers hand alcohol at the entrance.

  • All employees have access to mouth guards to get to and from the workplace and during working hours.

  • All employees have access to gloves during working hours.

  • We are working on our online store. 

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